CLICK HERE for a printable Pledge Form
CLICK HERE for the 2004 Annual Report (in .pdf format)
CLICK HERE for the 2003 Annual Report (in .pdf format - you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to see this document)
CLICK HERE for employee Pledge Card
CLICK HERE for a Corporate Pledge Card
CLICK HERE for a citizens pledge card
(same form mailed to citizens)
CLICK HERE for the 2005 Brochure
CLICK HERE for a short version of the 2005 Campaign Video
CLICK HERE for a Thank You Message (feel free to email this link to all staff who participate in the 2005 campaign)
CLICK HERE for Campaign Poster 1
CLICK HERE for Campaign Poster 2
CLICH HERE for Campaign Poster 3
CLICK HERE for Campaign Poster 4
These posters can be printed off and displayed around your business during campaign and
after campaign. They can be used in a mailing to employees, or use the Thank You poster
to give to those who turn in a pledge card.
CLICK HERE for a Thank You Poster