United Way South Asia Response Fund Established by United Way International for Affected Communities


You can also donate to our local Red Cross and designate the funds to go to the Tsunami Relief Fund

Hygiene kits are begin purchased by the American Red Cross and they cost approx. $79 each.  A hygiene kit contains items for a family of 6 for one month and typically includes items such as soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet tissue, razors, feminine hygiene products and laundry powder. Families with babies also receive infant specific supplies in special kits. The American Red Cross is providing 95,000 hygiene kits. This means that hygiene supplies can help as many as 570,000 individuals.

As of January 4, the American public, along with several corporate and philanthropic supporters, has generously pledged $92 million to the American Red Cross to support the tsunami relief efforts - it is important to note that the $92 million is a pledged figure; approx. $61,5 million in actual cash donations have been received by the American Red Cross.

To donate to our local Red Cross, you can mail your donation to:

Colonial Virginia Chapter
American Red Cross
1317 Jamestoen Road, Suite 105
Williamsburg, VA 23185
(757) 253-0228