Re-Entry House

Through a partnership with the Sisters of the Franciscan Brethren, the “Welcome Home” Guest House Program has been established to assist men who have been released from custody. The program houses three men who went through an application and interview process with select members of the local Re-Entry Council.

This program is a pilot project designed to test the hypothesis that providing stable housing during re-entry increases the chances of success for a person re-entering into the community. An overnight staff member provides structure, guidance and transportation for the residents. Each resident must both look for and secure employment, resolve their fines, and pay their child support obligations. With a select team of providers, they must also work through any identified issues that could prevent their successful re-entry into the community. Residents also save money so when they leave the house the can secure housing with their own funds. Men can stay in the program from three to twelve months as long as they are satisfying the above requirements and participating in court-ordered therapies, attending AA if needed, reuniting with family, and securing employment.

Contact Sharon Gibson-Ellis if you are interested in learning more about the program and providing support for the program.