Success Stories

Read about some of the success stories from our partner agencies. To submit a story, please email Zena Myall.

  • Did you know that a donation to United Way of Greater Williamsburg of just $3 a week provides for one families participation in a six-week Parent Education Program.
  • Did you know that a donation to United Way of Greater Williamsburg of $20 a week provides outpatient treatment services for a family for six months.
Please visit our Donations Section to find out how to contribute to the United Way of Greater Williamsburg.

Girl Scouts 
For most of us, summer brought Monet landscapes - green fields, blue skies, a Crayola box of living colors - but not for Claudia Christner who is among the fifty thousand Americans who loose their sight each year, many from complications from diabetes, Claudia is finding life much different this summer, her first without vision.
Hospice House 
Sam was diagnosed with cancer about a year before a hospital discharge planner referred him to Hospice Support Care. He went home with a home health care nurse and aide assigned to provide the care covered by his medical insurance. A Hospice Support Care volunteer was introduced to provide respite for this wife, Emily, and to make sure she had the supplies she needed to care for him. 
United Way I&R Service
My husband is very ill, having various health problems from diabetes (which caused a foot to be amputated) to having various heart by-pass surgeries. I have taken care of him for many years along with my son, who was a wonderful child until he found drugs, and at the age of 30 ended up in prison for an extended length of time. I now take care of my husband and provide for us by working a full time job.
Salvation Army
Paul and Jane moved to Williamsburg a few years ago and started a small business. They never had the need for assistance before their business failed. There was no other source of income; no savings and no family to be there for them.
Bacon Street 
Hello, my name is Erin. I am 18 years old. I am a college student and a soon to be published illustrator for a children’s book. I am also a drug addict and alcoholic in recovery.  I come from a loving and supportive middle class family. I have an older sister who is married and who got through her teen years without incident. My parents are still married to each other.  So it would seem from the outside that I had a normal and happy life. But that is far from the truth. 
Rita Welsh Adult Literacy Program 
Filling out a medical form.  Traveling to a new place.  Helping a child with homework.  Simple things, right?  Well, not if you can't read or speak English.  And you'd be surprised how many people in our community can't.