After joining the Home for Good program, Lashawdel and her two children, Deja and Marion, moved from a motel to a safe home. Lashawdel is now working two part-time jobs and learning to budget so she can become self-sufficient. A big challenge was finding affordable daycare for her children to allow her to work. Affordable daycare is a challenge for many Home for Good clients.
In most cases, daycare costs more than a client’s entire paycheck. Home for Good case managers work with our Community Partners at Child Development Resources, Head Start, and James City County REC Connect to facilitate affordable daycare of Home for Good clients. As a result of this partnership the family was able to obtain a reduced rate for Deja’s Before and After School Care and Summer Camp.
Marion is attending Child Development Resources Saycare and will attend Head Start in the fall. Home for Good is also providing rent and utility subsidies to allow Lashawdel to pay for REC Connect daycare. The programs allow the children to have a safe place to play and learn while their mother works.