PRINTABLE PLEDGE FORM Please print this page (2 pages), complete all information and mail to: Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: _________________ State: __________ Zip: __________ eMail: ________________________ Phone: _______________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Amount of Pledge: ____________________________________ Are you paying by check today? If yes, what is the check number? ___________ ______ Please bill be directly ($50 minimum pledge _______ Please charge my Credit Card (please remember to sign above & $50 minimum credit card charge.) Are you using: VISA Mastercard What is the amount: ______________ Expiration Date of Credit Card: ______________________ Name as it appears on Credit Card: _______________________________________ Would you like your pledge to provide Community Wide Care? Yes No (Circle One) Would you like to designate your gift to an agency of your choice (must be a 501(c)3 non-profit)? Please make all checks payable to United Way of Greater Williamsburg Gifts of $500 or more are acknowledged by membership in the Burgesses Club. Please indicate how you would like your name(s) to appear in the Burgesses Book. _______________________________________________________ Patrick Henry Society is a pledge of $500 to $999 Peyton Randolph Society is a pledge of $1000 to $1999 Thomas Jefferson Society is a pledge of $2000 to $2999 George Washington Society is a pledge of $3000 or more ____ I prefer my name not be publicly aknowledged. Thank you for your gift You will receive a receipt for your paid gift in the mail within 1 to 3 months Thank you. Please Mail To: United Way of Greater Williamsburg CLICK HERE to find out where your gift goes! |